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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Hi, my name is Jordan. I spent the majority of my life trying desperately to become somebody I wasn't so that I might eventually become somebody I wanted to be. What I didn't realize until much further down the road was that the only person worth becoming is the most authentic version of yourself possible.


I'm hoping to be able to share pieces of my journey with you, both past and present, that help you to see the masterpiece that is you as you are already are. Accepting that we are already burning radiantly bright doesn't mean that we can't reach even higher, that we can't strive for a still better and yet even more bright future for ourselves. 


That's how the theme of this blog came to be. Anime (and the themes of the Hero's Journey present inside of it) completely changed my life. By realizing that I actually could harness the same aspects of my favorite protagonists (and a few of the redeeming aspects of my favorite antagonists) to channel my energy in directions that felt right, I started living in a way that also felt just a little bit better. A little bit more aligned. And then, day by day, I started to be a whole lot more proud of the man that I've become.


Everyone I've ever met is has a story worthy of a Hollywood movie being made about them. Or, in the case of our subject matter, a really dope training and subsequent tournament arc made about them. 


Let's see what yours is. 

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